Public Safety
Steve is an author of Kayden’s Law (SB 78), a bill to protect children in custody disputes. He worked across the aisle with his Republican colleague on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Lisa Baker, to write the bill then get it passed in the Senate by a broad bi-partisan vote of 45-5. It now awaits action in the State House.
Steve has long been a leader on gun violence prevention measures. This session he reintroduced his universal background check bill (SB 88), with his friend and colleague Senator Vincent Hughes, and after the Uvalde and Buffalo massacres this spring, he introduced a bill to ban military-style assault weapons (SB1300).
At the same time, Steve has continued his long-standing support for local and state law enforcement, securing grants for local police departments to buy vehicles and equipment. As a township supervisor, Steve increased funding for the Lower Makefield Police Department.
Steve also has continued to be a champion for the environment, whether by proposing legislation to reduce carbon emissions or leading a fight in the courts to protect our drinking water from harmful fracking chemicals. Steve won the first round of that fight in Federal District Court in Philadelphia.
Steve continues to advocate for residents in the East Rockhill community to close permanently a quarry that threatens area residents with asbestos contamination.